
Latakia chooses OCEM

year 2015

large-5The Airport Bassel al-Assad is doing a refurbishment on its entire runway, choosing new OCEM lights

OCEM Airfield Technology is proud to announce the delivery of new lights to the international airport of “Bassel al-Assad” in Latakia, Syria. The airfield is 48 meters above sea level and has a runway 2.797 kilometers long and 45 meters wide.
For this Syrian airport, OCEM provided lights for each airfield sector (approach, threshold, runway, taxiway, stop bar, end zone), which will be useful to complete the renovation work for the primary runway and for the creation of a secondary one. In the package offered to “Bassel al-Assad,” OCEM supplied 1500 products amongst them lights and add-ons, a customized AGL control system (the latest ILMS system ), in addition to a week of training for the airport personnel in its headquarters in Italy.
The work carried out to the airport of Latakia summarizes what OCEM can give and do for its clients: our company offers complete packages (LED and/or halogen lights, monitoring and/or control systems), assistance and training. These three steps show exactly what OCEM has been doing for years. OCEM is a partner easy to work with.

OCEM Airfield Technology
Lighting the Future

OCEM is a focused player in Airfield Technology and an innovative leader with close to a 100- year history, more than 1000 airports and more than 100 Airfield Control Monitoring Systems, including also Augier Sas (France), MultiElectric (USA) and ITS (China).

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