
Visit us at the British – Irish Airports Expo in London, June 12-13!

anno 2018

3rd British - Irish Airports EXPO


OCEM is excited to take part in the 3rd edition of the British-Irish Airports EXPO, where our team will be waiting for you at stand B7 to show you the wide portfolio of airfield solutions and case studies that have made OCEM Airfield Technology one of the market’s strongest and most reliable leaders.

The British-Irish Airports EXPO, which takes place from June 12 to 13, is the largest EXPO of airport suppliers in Britain and Ireland, and serves as the area’s definitive annual procurement exhibition and airport conference. It brings together a globally respected civil and military airport network and provides a platform for the community to gather, share experiences and do business.

In the United Kingdom, OCEM recently completed a successful collaboration with London City Airport, reducing its airside operations power consumption while providing state-of-the-art performance through its world-renowned Airfield Ground Lighting LED units.

To discover more about OCEM Airfield Technology and learn how our dedicated team of experts can work for you, visit us at stand #B7!


Lighting the future


OCEM Airfield Technology is a leading global airfield lighting provider with close to a century of experience in the airfield industry. It has supplied AGL solutions and systems to more than 1,300 airports and installed more than 300 airfield control monitoring systems worldwide. Based in Italy, together with Multi Electric (U.S.) and Augier (France), OCEM forms part of Aretè & Cocchi Technology, a holding group focused on high-tech businesses leading industrial fields.


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