


At OCEM Airfield, ethics, wellbeing and sustainability is in everything we undertake.

We strive to make a solid difference by being a company where people feel well and are respected, customers get the highest quality innovative products and solutions and truly collaborate with us. A company that tries to make a difference to the environment it operates in.

We maintain clear and strict principles for doing business, we focus on the balance between people, the environment and technology when developing and producing products.

Our 4 guiding principles

Ethical Behaviour & Employee Wellbeing

We adhere to the strictest ethical guidelines when conducting business, following the recommendations set forth by the United Nations regarding workers’ rights (including at subcontractors), human rights, child labor, freedom of expression, non-discrimination based on religion, gender, or sexual orientation, and the freedom to join trade unions. Additionally, we prioritize our employees’ wellbeing, ensuring they feel motivated and respected in their daily work. We also embrace environment and employee wellbeing with our PSCL (Home-Work Travel Plan) – valid for the municipality of Valsamoggia – to promote sustainable mobility to and from the company.



Sustainability is one of our core values, as evidenced by our ISO 14001 commitment and certification. However, our efforts extend far beyond this. We have a comprehensive approach to sustainability that encompasses the entire lifecycle of our products, from design and development to production, delivery, installation, after-sales service, and even the end-of-life management of the delivered goods.



As a company, we play a significant role in the communities we operate in. We strive to create a positive impact and support local initiatives.



Our economic responsibility initiatives focus on improving business operations while engaging in sustainable practices. This includes adopting different manufacturing processes to minimize waste.


OCEM Airfield
Leading in Products, Solutions and Services
Exemplary in Corporate Social Responsibility

At OCEM Airfield, we understand that a healthy business model cannot be separated from the highest level of attention to People, Planet, Society, and Profits.

We are strongly committed to creating best-in-class products and solutions that incorporate the latest environmental and technological innovations while ensuring they are produced in environmentally friendly conditions by people who are respected, not exploited, working in healthy circumstances, and receiving fair pay.

Environmentally friendly production means avoiding dangerous substances, guaranteeing employee protection where needed, and recycling waste. Our commitment extends beyond the products and solutions before and during production; we also play a role in ensuring that, once products near the end of their lifecycle, they can be easily recycled and given a second life as part of new components or basic materials.

We treat our employees with respect, ensure excellent working conditions, and offer long-term opportunities for them to further develop their skills. We only use suppliers and subcontractors who adhere to our policies, maintaining a consistent approach throughout our value chain.

We are committed to raising the bar when necessary and prioritizing ethics, the environment, and human rights equally alongside profits.

For more information about our Sustainability approach or howe collaborate with our customers , contact us here.

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